Thursday, 7 February 2013

Unwritten rules

So you were pissed that I broke an unwritten rule of your online group. Then instead of informing me privately of my transgression and telling others on the group that it is being handled  you hold me up to public ridicule..... UNWRITTEN RULES ARE FOR THE PTA,  DEBUTANTES BALL, AND SOME CHURCHES.  
If the rule was as important to the safety of the group as you claim then take proper measures to prevent it from being broken. Lock that feature to admin only. Personally I EXPECTED THE REQUEST TO GO THROUGH THE ADMINS. As it didn’t and no one bothered to place the rules in the description of the group or in a sticky note on the first page... DO NOT JUMP MY SHIT FOR BREAKING IT. Seriously take some responsibility for the group you run. Should I have been a bit more thoughtful? Yes, I could have not assumed that the admins were checking all requests before they were auto granted?  Do I understand that there are privacy issues and that a breech of those could bring consequence  to some members of the board? Absolutely, that is why I assumed such a serious thing was being granted after admin approval. 
All of this is why I apologized in the first place. Given the shit storm, I take it that it is past simple apologies. For the sake of those who need the group I chose to leave it. 
In the end I have enough places to discuss the topics like on this group. This is the only outlet for many of the group members. Logic dictates that I step aside and insure the “safety” of the group for those who only have this one outlet.   Mostly though, I have more than enough REAL drama to put up with internet bull  shit. 

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